Available in: Czech Republic
EBanka/eKonto is a local payment service designed to enable customers to make payments to your ParisVegasClub account from your online back account.
Návod krok za krokom
You will need to have a bank account with Raiffeisen Bank or eBanka to use this service
- Select eKonto service on the ParisVegasClub Deposit Page
- Zadajte čiastku, ktorú si želáte vložiť do Vášho ParisVegasClub účtu
- You will be redirected to a secure payments page
- Log in using your Raiffeisen online bank security details
- Enter the required payment details including the CVV number from your bank card. If an incomplete or incorrect CVV number is entered you will be requested to re-enter the information.
- Confirm payment.
- Your bank authorises the payment in real-time deducting the amount directly from the your account. If there are insufficient funds available in your account, the transaction will be refused
- ParisVegasClub prijíma v reálnom čase potvrdenia o zaplatení vašou bankou
- Dostanete potvrdenie z ParisVegasClub že Vaša platba bola úspešná
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