EcoPayz is an alternative purchasing method which is used widely throughout Europe and Canada.
To open an account with EcoPayz visit their website at: and click on the "Open a free account" button. You can deposit money by clicking on "Money Deposits."
For more information go to:
Wskazówki krok po kroku
- Select the EcoPayz deposit option on the ParisVegasClub Deposit Page
- Wprowadź kwotę, jaką chcesz zasilić swoje konto ParisVegasClub
- You will be redirected to EcoPayz page to complete the transaction
- Login using your EcoPayz username and password and enter security characters displayed
- Confirm the payment on EcoPayz transfer information page
- ParisVegasClub receives confirmation of the payment.
- Otrzymasz potwierdzenie pomyślnej płatności od ParisVegasClub